Aerodynamics I
Semester Lectures + Excercises Course code
ECTS points
VI 3 + 2 32384



dr. sc. Milan Vrdoljak

dr. sc. Hrvoje Kozmar


Course objective

This course covers concepts of subsonic aerodynamics for students of aeronautical engineering. Its objective is to present theory of subsonic flow over basic elements of aircraft configurations: airfoil, fixed swept lifting surface as a wing or stabilizer, rotating body of revolution, rotating lifting surface as a propeller blade and a propeller as a whole. Furthermore, compressibility effects are considered as well as elementary analysis of the uncompressible boundary layer. Theoretical basics are accompanied with basic numerical potential flow models applied on mentioned objects. Numerical models are realized with programming tool Matlab for which a preparation course is organized so that students could actively participate within the exercises.


Course content

  • Three-dimensional potential flow (point source and doublet), Flow around a sphere, Singularity distribution element in three-dimensional flow.
  • Kinematics of vortex flow (vorticity, vorticity calculation, Helmholtz' vortex theorems, Biot-Savart Law).
  • Incompressible flow over airfoils. Thin airfoil theory. Airfoils database.
  • The vortex panel numerical method. Analysis of airfoil of arbitrary thickness and chamber.
  • Linearization of compressible flow over airfoils. Critical Mach number.
  • Incompressible flow over wings: Prandtl's lifting line model.
  • Weissinger lifting line model for swept wing.
  • Vortex lifting line numerical method for lifting surface.
  • Correction to the wing's characteristics due to compressible flow and to real airfoil.
  • Body of revolution in the compressible flow.
  • Equation of the flow in the boundary layer, boundary conditions, Falkner-Span problem and numerical solution.
  • Boundary layer transition, incompressible turbulent boundary layer, derivation of the momentum equation for turbulent boundary layer, approaches to turbulence modeling, turbulent boundary layer on a flat plate.
  • Eddy viscosity and mixing length concept, integral equation of a boundary layer on a flat plate, application of the integral equation to a turbulent flat plate boundary layer, integral solution for a turbulent boundary layer with a pressure gradient
  • Aerodynamics of propellers: momentum theory, blade element theory.
  • Application of the vortex theory for analysis of propeller aerodynamics.


Course materials

  • Jankovic, S, Vrdoljak, M., Virag, Z. Aerodinamika I, FSB, Zagreb, 2003. (in croatian; Moodle course)

Recomended references:

  • J.D. Anderson, "Fundamentals of Aerodynamics", McGraw Hill International edition, 1991.
  • A.M. Kuette and Chuen-Yen Chou, "Foundations of Aerodynamics", John Wiley and Sons, 1986.
  • Krasnov, N.F. Aerodynamics, Mir Publications Moscow, 1985.


Lecture methods

  • lectures
  • individual exercises on personal computer or individual project



Written (or colloquim or individual project) and oral exam

Exam prerequests:/strong>

  • 7101 Matematika 1
  • 7102 Matematika 2
  • 7104 Matematika 3
  • 7202 Mehanika 1
  • 7202 Mehanika 2
  • 2101 Mehanika fluida 1
  • 2102 Mehanika fluida 2
  • 6101 Termodinamika

Exams are held at 10 a.m. at given dates in east building, room 107/1.floor

Aerodynamics I

Aerodynamics II

Hypersonic Aerothermodynamics

Čvrstoća i pouzdanost zrakoplovnih konstrukcija

Experimental Methods in Aerodynamics I

Experimental Methods in Aerodynamics II

Dynamics of Structural Systems

Hydraulic Control Systems

Aircraft Structures II

Mechanics of Composite Materials

Airplane Flight Mechanics

Osnivanje konstrukcije zrakoplova

Airplane Performance

Podobnost i pouzdanost konstrukcija

Airplane Stability and Control

Aerospace Vehicles and Structures

Theory of Giroscope

Aircraft Control and Simulation

Osnivanje zrakoplova

Jedrilice i zmajevi

Klipni motori

; Last change: 13.12.2007