Airplane Performance |
Semester |
Lectures + Exercises |
Course code no. |
ECTS points |
2 + 2 |
18789 |
5 |
Lecturer in charge:
dr. sc. Milan Vrdoljak
Course objective
Determination of basic equations that connect constructive characteristics and airplane performance.
Course contents
- Airplane aerodynamic model
- Lifting surface, control surface, normal force versus lift force, center of pressure,
- Zero-lift drag: due to friction, drag due to pressure, base drag.
- Drag due to lift, miscellaneous drag, ground effect, polar.
- Normal force and its steady state gradients.
- Pitching moment and its steady state gradients.
- Propulsion force and moment
- Static stability, neutral point
- Steady state flight, load factor
- Differential equations of steady state flight
- Straight level flight, required and available thrust, range and endurance
- Climb and descent
- Horizontal turning, vertical turning.
- Take off
- Landing
- Energy concepts for accelerated flight, flight envelope, optimal climb
Course materials
Recommended literature:
- B. Pamadi: "Performance, Stability, Dynamics and Control of Airplanes", AIAA, Education Series 1998.
- Rendulic Z. "Mehanika leta", Vojno-izdavački i novinarski centar, Beograd, 1987.
Lecture methods
- individual exercises on personal computer or individual project
Two partial written (computer) exams or project and oral exam
Exam prerequests
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