dr. sc. Zdravko Terze, redoviti profesor

TELEFON: +385 1 6168 476
FAX: +385 1 6156 940
E MAIL: zdravko.terze@fsb.hr
SOBA: 1012


Znanstveno i stručno djelovanje

  • Dinamika konstrukcijskih sustava
  • Nelinearna dinamika i numeričke metode
  • Dinamika zrakoplovnih konstrukcija
  • Računalna aeroelastičnost



  • 1998. ... post-doktorski studij / Dinamika konstrukcijskih sustava, University of Brussels.
  • 1996.... dr. sc. / Teorija konstrukcija-dinamika konstrukcija, Sveučilište u Zagrebu.
  • 1994.... mr. sc. / Teorija konstrukcija-dinamika konstrukcija, Sveučilište u Zagrebu.
  • 1991. ... dipl.ing. / Strojarske konstrukcije, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje


Zaposlenja i dužnosti

Sveučilište u Zagrebu , Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje

Gostujući znastvenik :

  • Department of Mechanical Engineering , University of Brussels (VUB)
  • Institut B of Mechanics (danas Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics), University of Stuttgart


Pozivna predavanja i seminari (odabrano)

  1. Z. Terze, Geometric and Lie-group Concepts in Numerical Integration of Multibody Systems, invited lecture/seminar, California Institute of Technology, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, July, 2013.
  1. Z. Terze, coordinator of the school and lecturer, advanced scientific school, Differential-Geometric Methods in Computational Multibody System Dynamics, International Centre for Mechanical Sciences (CISM), Udine, September, 2013.
    1. Other lecturers: prof. dr. Andreas Mueller (Johannes Kepler University, Austria), prof. dr. Tod Murphey (Northwestern University, USA), prof. dr. Carlo Bottasso (TU Muenchen, Politecnico di Milano), prof. dr. Olivier Bruels (University of Liege) i prof. dr. Xilun Ding (Beijing University, China).
  1. Z. Terze, Differential-geometric concepts and Lie-groups in numerical ODE/DAE integration of multibody system dynamics, Invited lectures within the framework of the PhD academic doctoral program in Aerospace Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, February, 2012.
  1. Z. Terze, Differential-geometric concepts in numerical ODE/DAE integration of mechanical systems, invited keynote lecture, AfriCOMP 2011, International Conference on Computational Mechanics, Cape Town, South Africa, 2011.
  1. Z. Terze, Constrained Multibody Systems - Mathematical Modelling and Integration Methods, Institut B für Mechanik, Seminar über Fragen der Mechanik, Universität Stuttgart , January, 2000.


Glavni istraživač i koordinator (odabrano)

  • 'Modeliranje i integracija dinamike mehaničkih sustava na Lievim grupama' - Natječaj za sufinanciranje hrvatsko-kineskih znanstveno-istraživačkih projekata za razdoblje 2015. - 2017.
  • Ministarstvo znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta Republike Hrvatske
  • Ministarstvo znanosti i tehnologije Narodne Republike Kine
  • Znanstveno-istraživački projekt, Hrvatska zaklada za znanost / Program: partnerstvo u temeljnim istraživačjima (2011 -)
  • Znanstveno-istraživački projekt Ministarstva znanosti i tehnologije Republike Hrvatske, 120-1201787-1786
  • TP-01/0120-01 tehnologijski istraživačko-razvojni projekt Ministarstva znanosti i tehnologije Republike Hrvatske, (partner: Croatia Airlines), 2002.-2005. god.
  • 'Računalni algoritmi za dinamičku simulaciju slijetanja zrakoplova'
  • 0120-033 Znanstveno-istraživački projekt Ministarstva znanosti i tehnologije Republike Hrvatske, 2002. - 2006. god.
  • TEMPUS joint EU Project CD_JEP-41087-2006 (HR) (financiranje od 2007. godine)

    Partneri: University of Stuttgart -Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, University of Brussels - Dept. of Fluid Mechanics, Sveučilište u Splitu (FESB), Croatia Airlines, INETEC (Zagreb).

  • Numerical Simulation Program in Mechanical Engineering
  • EU project with University of Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, NSP-ME, 2005.
  • TEMPUS joint EU Project JEP-18085-2003

    Partneri: University of Stuttgart -Institute B of Mechanics, University of Brussels - Dept. of Fluid Mechanics, Bureau Veritas, Nabla Ltd.

  • Joint project with University of Brussels (VUB), Belgium, 2004.
  • 'Real Time Dynamic Simulation of Multibody Structural Systems'
  • Joint project with University of Brussels (VUB), Belgium, 2003.

    Znanstveni boravak (izrada doktorske disertacije) dr. Joris Naudeta s University of Brussels (VUB) na Katedri za dinamiku letjelica.


Nagrade i priznanja

  • Izabran član 'ASME Technical Committee on Multibody Systems and Nonlinear Dynamics', SAD (dužnost počinje 1. srpnja, 2013)
  • Nagrada Fran Bošnjaković Sveučilišta u Zagrebu za istaknuta znanstvena postignuća i unaprijeđenje znanstvenog područja u zemlji i inozemstvu, Zagreb, Hrvatska, 2010.
  • ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers), priznanje za doprinos znanstvenom području povodom organizacije ASME simpozija (nonlinear dynamics, multibody dynamics and control), San Diego, CA, 2009.
  • Medalja Fakulteta strojarstva i brodogradnje za posebne zasluge na unaprijeđenju rada, razvoja i promocije fakulteta, 2006.
  • European Mechanics Society, priznanje za istraživače mlađe od 35 godina koji su prezentirali radove na kolokvijima (EUROMECH Colloquia) društva, 1999.


Recenzent radova za međunarodne znanstvene časopise (odabrano)

  • Multibody System Dynamics, Springer
  • ZAMM (Zeitschrift fuer angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik), Wiley
  • European Journal of Mechanics (Solids), Elsevier
  • Meccanica, Springer
  • ASME Journal of Mech. Design, American Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • Transactions of FAMENA, University of Zagreb
  • Recenzent radova na više međunarodnih znanstvenih skupova i časopisa u organizaciji ASME, EUROMECH i drugi.


Pozivna predavanja i prezentacije (odabrano)

  1. Z. Terze, Geometric and Lie-group Concepts in Numerical Integration of Multibody Systems, pozvana predavanja/seminar, California Institute of Technology, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, July, 2013.
  1. Z. Terze, voditelj škole i predavač, napredna znanstvena škola, Differential-Geometric Methods in Computational Multibody System Dynamics, International Centre for Mechanical Sciences (CISM), Udine, September, 2013.
  1. Z. Terze, Differential-geometric concepts and Lie-groups in numerical ODE/DAE integration of multibody system dynamics, pozvana predavanja u okviru doktorskog studija Aerospace Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, February, 2012.
  1. Z. Terze, Differential-geometric concepts in numerical ODE/DAE integration of mechanical systems, pozvani uvodni predavač (invited keynote lecture), AfriCOMP 2011, International Conference on Computational Mechanics, Cape Town, South Africa, 2011.
  1. Z. Terze, Matematićko modeliranje i numerička integracija dinamike diskretnih mehaničkih sustava na mnogostrukostima i Lievim grupama , Seminar za numeričku matematiku i računarstvo, Prirodoslovno-matematićki fakultet, Matematićki odsjek, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, 12. svibnja 2011.
  1. Z. Terze, Modeliranje i numerička integracija dinamike diskretnih mehaničkih sustava na mnogostrukostima, Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku, Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, 13. travnja 2011.
  1. Z. Terze, Numerical Methods in Applied Sciences - Multibody Dynamics Computational Framework, International Workshop on Numerical SimulationTechnologies as a Driving Force for Innovation in Engineering, Medicine and Applied Sciences, F. Mech. Eng. & Naval Arch., Zagreb, 7. June 2011.
  1. Z. Terze, Solving Differential Equations on Manifolds - Modeling and Numerical Integration, 'Numerical Methods in Applied Physics, NUMAP-OpenFoam', Međunarodna znanstvena ljetna škola, Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, kolovoz-rujan 2011.
  1. Z. Terze, On Geometry of Rotation Space - Introduction to Lie Group Modelling, predavanje na znanstvenoj ljetnoj školi 'Numerical methods in Applied Physics -OpenFoam', NUMAP-Foam 2009, Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje, 2009.
  1. Z. Terze, Differential-Geometric Modeling and Integration of Multibody Systems, uvodno predavanje (keynote lecture) na znanstvenom skupu International Symposium on Coupled Methods in Numerical Dynamics, Split, (Zbornik radova u izdanju Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje, Zagreb; urednici: Z. Terze i C. Lacor), 2009.
  1. Z. Terze, Numerical Constrained Mechanics of Discrete Systems on Manifolds, uvodno predavanje (keynote lecture) na znanstvenom skupu International Workshop on Coupled Methods in Numerical Dynamics, Dubrovnik (Zbornik radova u izdanju Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje, Zagreb; urednici: Z. Terze i C. Lacor), 2007.
  1. Z. Terze, MBS Time Integration - Projective Constraint Violation Stabilization Methods on Manifolds, NATO Advanced Study Institute: Virtual Nonlinear Multibody Systems, Prague , July, 2002. / Predavanje na NATO ASI postdiplomskoj ljetnoj školi.
  1. Z. Terze, Constraint Violation Stabilization Method for MBS with Non-Holonomic Constraints, EUROMECH Colloquium 427 'Computational Techniques and Applications in Nonlinear Dynamics of Structures and Multibody Systems' , Cachan (Paris), France , 2001.
  1. Z. Terze, On Differential-Geometric Approach to Dynamic Simulation of Constrained Multibody Systems, NATO Advanced Research Workshop: Computational Aspects of Nonlinear Structural Systems with Large Rigid Body Motion , Pultusk, July, 2000.
  1. Z. Terze , Constrained Multibody Systems - Mathematical Modelling and Integration Methods, Institut B für Mechanik, Seminar über Fragen der Mechanik, Universität Stuttgart , January, 2000. / Predavanja studentima i članovima instituta.
  1. Z. Terze, Null Space Integration Method for Constrained Multibody System Simulation with no Constraint Violation, EUROMECH Colloquium 404: Advances in Computational Multibody Dynamics, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, 1999.



Kolegiji (Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje, Zagreb):

Nastavni materijali:  

  • Z. Terze, A. Eiber, Introduction to Dynamics of Multibody Systems , interna e-skripta za kolegij 'Dinamika konstrukcijskih sustava' - dio objavljen u Dynamics, In: Mechanics, e-book, Institute B of Mechanics, University of Stuttgart, pp. 190-300, (EU classification CZ/98/1/82500/PI/i.1.1.b/FPI), 2001.


Uredništvo časopisa

  • 'ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics' , ASME (US)
    • Associated Editor
  • 'Transactions of FAMENA' , Faculty of Mech. Eng. & Naval Arch, University of Zagreb
    • Associated Editor - Pridruženi urednik časopisa 'Transactions of FAMENA', Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje, Sveučilište u Zagrebu. Glavni urednik: prof. dr. sc. Ivo Alfirević, časopis citiran u SCI Expanded.


Organizator konferencije


ECCOMAS Multibody Dynamics 2013, ECCOMAS Thematic Conference, Zagreb, 1-4. July 2013, Prof. dr. Zdravko Terze, Chair of the Conference.


Organizacija znanstvenih skupova (odabrano)


Symposium on Modelling, Formalisms, and Theoretical Methods, The Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics (IMSD), May 29 - June 2, 2016., Montréal, Québec, Canada

  • Organizator simpozija/voditelj programa

Symposium on Nonlinear Rotordynamics and Rotating Systems, The ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference and the Computer and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE), August 21-24, 2016., Charlotte, North Carolina

  • Organizator simpozija/voditelj programa

Symposium on Aerospace and Maritime Applications, The ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics, June 29 - July 2, 2015., Barcelona, Spain

  • Organizator simpozija/voditelj programa

Nonlinear Rotordynamics and Rotating Systems, The ASME 2014 International Design and Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2014), August 17-20, 2014., Buffalo, NY.

  • Organizator simpozija/voditelj programa

Symposium on Computational Geometric Methods in Multibody System Dynamics, '8th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics', Rhodes, Greece, 19.- 25. September, 2010., (organizator simpozija/voditelj programa: Z. Terze), Zbornik radova skupa u izdanju American Institute of Physics.

  • Organizator simpozija/voditelj programa

International Symposium on Coupled Methods in Numerical Dynamics, September 16. - 19. 2009., Split (organizator/voditelj programa: Z. Terze); Zbornik radova u izdanju Fakulteta strojarstva i brodogradnje, Zagreb; urednici: Z. Terze i C. Lacor, 2009.

  • Organizator simpozija/voditelj programa

Međunarodna znanstvena ljetna škola 'Numerical Modelling of Coupled Problems in Applied Physics with OpenFOAM', 2009., Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje, (organizator/voditelj: Z. Terze i H. Jasak).

  • Organizator simpozija/voditelj programa

Symposium on Computational Methods in Multibody Dynamics and Control, 1st African Conference on Computational Mechanics - AfriCOMP 2009
January 7 - January 11, 2009 , Sun City, South Africa

  • Organizator simpozija/voditelj programa

ASME Symposium on Differential-Geometric Methods in Multibody Dynamics, Non-Linear Dynamics and Control, 2009., San Diego, CA

  • Organizator simpozija/voditelj programa

International Workshop on Coupled Methods in Numerical Dynamics, September 19. - 21.2007., Dubrovnik

  • Organizator simpozija/voditelj programa

ASME Symposium on Differential-Geometric Methods in Multibody Dynamics, Non-Linear Dynamics and Control, 2005., Long Beach, California

  • Organizator simpozija/voditelj programa


Članstva u uređivačkim odborima znanstvenih skupova (odabrano)

  • 3rd Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics (IMSD 2014), June 30 - July 3, 2014, Busan, Korea.
  • ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics (ECCOMAS Multibody Dynamics 2013), July 1-4, Zagreb, Croatia.
  • 7th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics (7ICCSM 2012), May 22 - 25, 2012, Zadar, Croatia.
  • Member of International Advisory Commitee, Second AfriCOMP - An International Conference on Computational Mechanics, Cape Town, 2011.
  • ASTEC 2007, Asian Simulation Technology Conference, March 1-3, 2007, Ristumeikan University , Shiga , Japan (domain: Simulation in Aerospace)
  • 5th annual Industrial Simulation Conference ( ISC'2007 ), June 11-13, 2007, Delft University of Technology, Delft , The Netherlands (domain: Simulation in Aerospace)
  • The Industrial Simulation Conference 2006 ( ISC-2006 ), June 5-7, 2006 - University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy, (Member of the committee in domain: Simulation in Aerospace)
  • MESM'2006 International Middle Eastern Multiconference on Simulation and Modelling, August 28-30 2006, Alexandria, Egypt (domain: Modelling Methodology and Modelling Tools)
  • 5th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics, Trogir 2006, Croatia


Odabrani znanstveni radovi (od 1997.god.)

  • Terze, Z., et al., Discrete mechanics and optimal control optimization of flapping wing dynamics for Mars exploration, Aerospace Science and Technology, 106 (2020), 106131, 12 doi:10.1016/j.ast.2020.106131
  • Terze, Z., et al., Aircraft attitude reconstruction via novel quaternion-integration procedure, Aerospace Science and Technology, 97 (2020), 105617, 12 doi:10.1016/j.ast.2019.105617
  • Terze, Z., et al., Optimized flapping wing dynamics via DMOC approach, Nonlinear Dynamics, accepted, in print (2020), doi:10.1007/s11071-020-06119-y
  • Terze, Z., Pandza, V., Zlatar, D., Lie Group Dynamics of Multibody System in Vortical Fluid Flow, First International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference - NODYCON 2019, February 17-20, 2019, Sapienza University, Rome
  • Terze, Z., Müller, A., Zlatar, D., Singularity-Free Time Integration of Rotational Quaternions Using Non-Redundant Ordinary Differential Equations, Multibody Syst Dyn, 38(3):201-225, 2016.
  • Müller, A., Terze, Z., Geometric Methods and Formulations in Computational Multibody System Dynamics, Acta Mechanica, 227(12), 3327-3350, 2016, DOI 10.1007/s00707-016-1760-9
  • Terze, Z., Zlatar, D., Vrdoljak. M., Pandza V., Lie Group Forward Dynamics of Fixed-Wing Aircraft with Singularity-Free Attitude Reconstruction on SO(3), Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics. 2016. doi. 10.1115/1.4034398.
  • Terze, Z., Müller, A., Zlatar, D., Lie-Group Integration Method for Constrained Multibody Systems in State Space, Multibody System Dynamics 34 (3), 2015, pp 275-30 doi. 10.1007/s11044-014-9439-2.
  • Terze, Z., Müller, A., Zlatar, D., An Angular Momentum and Energy Conserving Lie-Group Integration Scheme for Rigid Body Rotational Dynamics Originating from Störmer-Verlet Algorithm, Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics 10(5), 2015, doi:10.1115/1.4028671.
  • Müller, A., Terze, Z., The Significance of the Configuration Space Lie Group for the Constraint Satisfaction in Numerical Time Integration of Multibody Systems, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 82 (2014), pp. 173-202, DOI: 10.1016/j.mechmachtheory.2014. 06.014, Elsevier.
  • Müller, A., Terze, Z., On the Choice of Configuration Space for Numerical Lie Group Integration of Constrained Rigid Body Systems, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 262 (2014), pp. 3-13, DOI: 10.1016/j.cam.2013.10.039, Elsevier.
  • Terze, Z., (Editor), Multibody Dynamics, Computational Methods and Applications, Springer, 2014.
  • Terze, Z., Vrdoljak, M., Zlatar, D., Numerical Forward Dynamics of Fixed-Wing Aircraft With State Space Lie-Group Integration Scheme, ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 2014 (poslano u časopis).
  • Terze, Z., Müller, A., Zlatar, D., Modified Störmer-Verlet Integration Scheme for Rotational Dynamics in Lie-Group Setting, ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 2014 (poslano u časopis).
  • Terze, Z., Mueller, A., Zlatar, D., Redundancy-Free Integration of Rotational Quaternions in Minimal Form, Proceedings of the ASME 2014 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference IDETC/CIE 2014, August 17-20, 2014, Buffalo, New York, USA.
  • Terze, Z., Zlatar, D., Numerička integracija rotacijskog tenzora na grupi jediničnih kvaterniona, 6th Meeting of Croatian Society of Mechanics, 2014.
  • Terze, Z., Vrdoljak, M., Zlatar, D., Dynamic Simulation of Helicopter 3D Airborne Maneuvers with Numerical Integration Scheme in Lie-Group Setting, Multibody Dynamics 2013, ECCOMAS Thematic Conference, July 1-4, 2013, Zagreb, Croatia.
  • Terze, Z., Mueller, A., Zlatar, D., Angular Momentum Conserving Integration Scheme for Multibody System Dynamics in Lie-Group Setting, Multibody Dynamics 2013, ECCOMAS Thematic Conference, July 1-4, 2013, Zagreb, Croatia.
  • Terze, Z., Vrdoljak, M., Zlatar, D., DAE Integration Scheme in Lie-Group Settings for Flight Vehicle Forward Dynamics, 84th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, March 18-22, 2013, Novi Sad, Serbia.
  • Terze, Z., Zlatar, D., Störmer-Verlet integracijska shema na rotacijskoj grupi SO(3)), 5th Meeting of Croatian Society of Mechanics, 2013.
  • Matijašević, D., Terze, Z., An Approach for the Spatial Coupling of Multibody System Chain in a Partitioned Algorithm, Multibody Dynamics 2013, ECCOMAS Thematic Conference, July 1-4, 2013, Zagreb, Croatia.
  • Terze, Z., Vrdoljak, M., Zlatar, D., Numerical Flight Vehicle Forward Dynamics with State-Space Lie-Group Integration Scheme, Proceedings of the ASME 2013 (IDETC/CIE 2013) - 9th International Conference on Multibody Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, and Control, August 4-7, 2013, Portland, Oregon, USA.
  • Terze, Z., Mueller, A., Zlatar, D., Störmer-Verlet Integration Scheme for Multibody System Dynamics in Lie-Group Setting, Proceedings of the ASME 2013 (IDETC/CIE 2013) - 9th International Conference on Multibody Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, and Control, August 4-7, 2013, Portland, Oregon, USA.
  • Mueller, A., Terze, Z., Is There an Optimal Choice of Configuration Space for Lie Group, Proceedings of the ASME 2013 (IDETC/CIE 2013) - 9th International Conference on Multibody Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, and Control, August 4-7, 2013, Portland, Oregon, USA.
  • Terze, Z., Zlatar, D., Müller, A., Lie-Group Integration Method for Constrained Multibody Systems in Stabilized DAE-Index-1 Form Multibody System Dynamics, Springer, 2012 (poslano u časopis).
  • Terze, Z., Müller, A., Zlatar, D., DAE Index 1 Formulation for Multibody System Dynamics in Lie-Group Setting, Proceedings of 2nd Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics (IMSD 2012), May 29 - June 1, 2012, Stuttgart, Germany.
  • Mueller, A., Terze, Z., On the Choice of Configuration Space for Numerical Lie Group Integration of Constrained Rigid Body Systems, Numerical Solution of Differential and Differential-Algebraic Equations (NUMDIFF-13), Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Institute of Mathematics, 2012.
  • Terze, Z., Zlatar, D., Müller, A., Numerical Integration Algorithm in Lie-Group Setting for Dynamics of Mechanical Systems, Proceedings of 7th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics (7ICCSM 2012), May 22 - 25, 2012, Zadar, Croatia.
  • Matijašević, D., Terze, Z.: Spatial Coupling of Multibody System with Viscous Flow Dynamics in Partitioned Algorithms, Proceedings of 7th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics (7ICCSM 2012), May 22 - 25, 2012, Zadar, Croatia.
  • Terze, Z., Differential-Geometric Concepts in Numerical ODE/DAE Integration of Mechanical Systems, invited keynote/plenary lecture, International Conference on Computational Mechanics, Cape Town, 2011.
  • Z. Terze, D. Zlatar and A. Mueller, Lie Group Integration Method for Constrained Multibody Systems, Multibody Dynamics 2011, An ECCOMAS Thematic Conference, July 4-7, 2011., Brussels, Belgium.
  • Z. Terze, J. Naudet, Structure of Optimized Generalized Coordinates Partitioned Vectors for Holonomic and Non-Holonomic Systems, Multibody System Dynamics, (2010) 24:203-218, Springer.
  • Terze, Z., Vrdoljak, M., Zlatar, D., Geometric Mathematical Framework for Multibody System Dynamics, Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, American Institute of Physics (AIP), 2010.
  • Terze, Z., Matijašević, D., Vrdoljak, M., Fluid-Structure Interaction in the Framework of Numerical Dynamic Simulation of Multibody Systems, International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics, IFASD 2009, Seattle, USA, June 21-25, 2009.
  • A. Müller, Z. Terze, Differential-Geometric Modelling and Dynamic Simulation of Multibody Systems , Strojarstvo, 2009, Vol. 51(6) pp. 597 - 612.
  • Z. Terze, H. Wolf, M. Vrdoljak, Numerical Simulation of Landing Aircraft Dynamics , Strojarstvo, 51 (2009), pp. 657-665.
  • Z. Terze, A. Müller, Lie Group Modelling and Forward Dynamic Simulation of Multibody Systems , Part 1: Topology and Kinematics, Transactions of FAMENA, 2009, Vol. 33(2), pp. 1-14.
  • Z. Terze, A. Müller, Lie Group Modelling and Forward Dynamic Simulation of Multibody Systems , Part 2: Dynamics and Time Integration, Transactions of FAMENA, 2009, Vol. 33(3), pp. 1-14.
  • Z. Terze, J. Naudet, Geometric properties of projective constraint violation stabilization method for generally constrained multibody systems on manifolds, Multibody System Dynamics, (2008) 20:85-106, Springer.
  • Z. Terze, M. Vrdoljak, D. Matijašević and T. Mešinović, Numerical Simulation of Elastic Airplane Landing Dynamics, 5th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering ECCOMAS 2008, Venice, Italy, 2008.
  • F. Bos, D. Matijašević, Z. Terze, B. van Oudheusden and H.  Bijl, OpenFOAM Mesh Motion using Radial Basis Function Interpolation, 5th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering ECCOMAS 2008, Venice, Italy, 2008.
  • Z. Terze, J. Naudet, Discrete Mechanical Systems - Projective Constraint Violation Stabilization Method for Numerical Forward Dynamics on Manifolds, ASME Symposium on Differential-Geometric Methods in Multibody Dynamics, Non-Linear Dynamics and Control, In: Proceedings of ASME DETC 2007, 2007.
  • Zdravko Terze, Numerical Constrained Mehanics of Discrete Systems on Manifolds, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Coupled Methods in Numerical Dynamics, IUC Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 19-21 2007.
  • Z. Terze, M. Vrdoljak, H. Wolf, T. Mešinović, Numerical Simulation of Landing Aircraft Dynamics, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Coupled Methods in Numerical Dynamics, IUC Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 19-21 2007.
  • Zdravko Terze, Joris Naudet, Projective Constraint Violation Stabilization Method for Multibody Systems on Manifolds, Proccedings of the 5th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics, Trogir 2006.
  • Z. Terze, H. Wolf, D. Matijašević, Dynamic Simulation Modeling of Landing Aircraft, International Middle Eastern Multiconference on Simulation and Modelling , MESM'2006, Alexandria, Egypt, August 28-30 2006, pp. 22-26, EUROSIS, Ghent (2006).
  • Z. Terze, H. Wolf, D. Matijašević, Dynamic Simulator for Numeric Analysis of Landing Transport Aircraft, Annual 2005 of the Croatian Academy of Engineering , Croatian Academy of Engineering, Zagreb (2005).
  • H. Wolf, Z. Terze, A. Sušić, Dynamic Stability of the Response of Oscillators with Discontinous or Steep First Derivative of Restoring Characteristics, Europen Journal of Mechanics, 23 (2004), pp. 1041-1050.
  • Z. Terze, J. Naudet, D. Lefeber, Constraint Gradient Projective Method for Stabilized Dynamic Simulation of Constrained Multibody Systems, ASME 19th Biennial Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise, Chicago, USA, 2003, Paper No. DETC2003/VIB-48314.
  • J. Naudet, D. Lefeber, F. Daerden, Z. Terze, Forward Dynamics of Open-Loop Multibody Mechanisms Using an Efficient Canonical Momenta, Multibody System Dynamics, 10 (2003), pp. 45-59, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • Z. Terze, H. Wolf, S. Janković, Dynamic Simulation of Landing Aircraft, Proceedings of ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Advances in Computational Multibody Dynamics, Editor: Jorge A. C. Ambrosio, Lisboa, Portugal 2003, Paper No. MB2003-008.
  • J. Naudet, D. Lefeber, Z. Terze, General Formulation of an Efficient Recursive Algorithm Based on Canonical Momenta for Forward Dynamics of Open-loop Multibody Systems, Proceedings of ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Advances in Computational Multibody Dynamics, Editor: Jorge A. C. Ambrosio, Lisboa, Portugal 2003, Paper No. MB2003-033.
  • J. Naudet, D. Lefeber, Z. Terze, Observation on the use of Canonical Momenta in an Efficient Recursive Algorithm for the Forward Dynamics of Open Loop Multibody Systems, Proceedings of 6th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Ghent, Belgium, 2003, Paper No. NCTAM-2003-022.
  • Z. Terze, H. Wolf, S. Janković, Dynamic Simulation of Transport Aircraft Landing Impact, Proceedings of 4th International Congress of the Croatian Society of Mechanics, Zagreb, Croatian Society of Mechanics, 2003.
  • Z. Terze, D. Lefeber, MBS Time Integration - Projective Constraint Violation Stabilization Methods on Manifolds, In: Virtual Nonlinear Multibody Systems, Volume I, NATO Advanced Study Institute, Editors: W. Schiehlen, M. Valašek, Prague, NATO Scientific Division, 2002, pp. 196-201.
  • D. Lefeber, J. Naudet, Z. Terze, F. Daerden, Forward Dynamics of Multibody Mechanisms Using an Efficient Algorithm Based on Canonical Momenta, NATO Advanced Study Institute, In: Virtual Nonlinear Multibody Systems, Volume I, Editors: W. Schiehlen, M Valašek, Prague, NATO Scientific Division, 2002, pp. 121-126.
  • Z. Terze, D. Lefeber, O. Muftić, Null Space Integration Method for Constrained Multibody System Simulation with no Constraint Violation, Multibody System Dynamics, 6 (2001), pp. 229-243, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • A. Eiber, Z. Terze, Dynamics, In: Mechanics (with MATLAB), e-book, University of Stuttgart, 2001, pp. 190-300, (EU classification CZ/98/1/82500/PI/i.1.1.b/FPI).
  • Z. Terze, D. Lefeber, O. Muftić, On Differential-Geometric Approach to Dynamic Simulation of Constrained Multibody Systems. In: Computational Aspects of Nonlinear Structural Systems with Large Rigid Body Motion, NATO ADVANCED RESEARCH WORKSHOP, IDMEC, 2000, pp. 569-575.
  • Z. Terze, D. Lefeber, Dynamic Simulation of Multiody Systems with no Constraint Violation, Transactions of FAMENA, Sveučilišna tiskara, Zagreb, Vol. 24, 2000. pp. 1-9.
  • Z. Terze, O. Muftić, Kinematic and Dynamic Analysis of Human 3D Movement, In: Current Topics in Physiological Anthropology, Croatian Anthropological Society, Anthropological Library HAD, Zagreb, ISBN 953-96073-5-3, 2000, pp. 41-48.
  • Z. Terze, D. Lefeber, O. Muftić, Null Space Integration Method for Constrained Multibody System Simulation with no Constraint Violation, In: Advances in Computational Multibody Dynamics, Editors: J. A. C. Ambrosio, W. Schiehlen, IST, Lisboa, 1999 (October), pp. 789-799.
  • Z. Terze, O. Muftić, Computational Multibody Dynamics - Dynamic Simulation of Human Movement, Tenth World Congress on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Proceedings Vol. 1 (ISBN 951-42-5288-8), Oulu University Press, 1999, pp. 180-185.
  • Z. Terze, O. Muftić, Dynamic Simulation of 3D Human Movement - Multibody Techniques and Integration Methods, Proceedings of the European Conference on Computational Mechanics, Editor: W. Wunderlich, Munich, Germany, 1999, pp. 390-398.
  • Z. Terze, D. Lefeber, J. Vermeulen, H. De Man, Setting Objective Parameters of a Hopping Robot Based on Power Consumption, Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Mobile, Climbing and Walking Robots, CLAWAR' 98, Brussels, Belgium, 1998, pp. 297-302.
  • Z. Terze, O. Muftić, Dynamic Simulation of Tennis Stroke, Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on the 3-D Analysis of Human Movement, Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA, 1998, pp. 43-46.
  • Z. Terze, O. Muftić, H. Wolf, Dynamic Simulation of Human Body Movement, Proceedings of the Fifth International Design Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 1998, pp. 603-608.
  • H. Wolf, O. Muftić, Z. Terze, Advantages of HBM over IHBM for Single-Harmonic Analysis of Forced Vibrations of an Impact-Pair, Proceedings of the Fifth International Design Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 1998, pp. 701-706.
  • Z. Terze, O. Muftić, Dynamic Analysis and Simulation of Complex Human Movement, Proceedings of VIth International Symposium on Computer Simulation in Biomechanics, Tokyo, Japan, 1997.


Odabrani stručni radovi

  • Z. Terze, H. Wolf, Dinamička simulacija slijetanja transportnog zrakoplova / dinamičko modeliranje podvozja i kontaktne dinamike kotača , Tehnički izvještaj tehnologijskog istraživačko-razvojnog projekta TP-01/0120-01/K4, Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje, Zavod za zrakoplovstvo, 2003.
  • Z. Terze, H. Wolf, Kinematička sinteza mehanizma podizne platforme , Tehnomehanika, 2003.
  • Z. Terze, H. Wolf, Dinamički model konstrukcije zrakoplova za dinamičku simulaciju slijetanja i taxi vožnje , Tehnički izvještaj tehnologijskog istraživačko-razvojnog projekta TP-01/0120-01/K1, Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje, Zavod za zrakoplovstvo, 2002.
  • Z. Terze, Mobile Robots in Landmine Detection, Non-Destructive Testing in Landmine Detection in Environmental Protection, MATEST 2001 , Proceedings, Dubrovnik , Croatia , 2001.
  • A. Eiber, Z. Terze, Dynamic Simulation of Cable-way Mechanism , Institute B of Mechanics, University of Stuttgart , 2000.
  • Z. Terze, System for Assessment of Demining Companies, 15th World Conference on Nondestructive Testing , Proceedings, Roma , Italy , 2000.
  • Z. Terze, Operativne značajke stroja za razminiranje , Hrvatski centar za razminiranje, 2000.
  • Z. Terze, Dynamic Behaviour and Locomotion Patterns of Mobile Robot with one Articulated Leg , Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Brussels, Brussels, 1998.
  • Z. Terze, H. Wolf, Dynamic Analysis of Car Suspension with ADAMS, Schlumberger Technologies Wien, Vienna ,1992.
  • H. Wolf, Z. Terze, Festigkeitsberechnung des Waggons mit FEM , Schlumberger Technologies Wien / Bombardier, Vienna,1992.


Ostala izobrazba i usavršavanje

  • 1996. ... 'Modeling and Simulation of Human and Walking Robots Locomotion', CISM, International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Udine.
  • 1994. ... 'Professional School of Multibody Dynamics',CISM, International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Udine.
  • 1992. ... Stručna specijalizacija: 'Application of CAE (Multibody Systems Dynamics, FEM) on the Analysis of Structural Systems', Schlumberger Technologies Wien, Beč.


Članstva i ostale dužnosti te stručne aktivnosti u zrakoplovstvu (odabrano)

  • American Institute od Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) - Senior Member
  • American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) - Member
  • European Mechanics Society, EUROMECH
  • International Federation for Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, IFTOMM
  • Central European Association of Computational Mechanics
  • Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku
  • Član suradnik Akademije tehničkih znanosti Hrvatske, od 2004. godine.
  • Član tehničkog odbora za Zrakoplovstvo i svemirsku tehniku Državnog zavoda za normizaciju i mjeriteljstvo
  • Član sveučilišnih povjerenstava za nostrifikaciju diploma u području zrakoplovnog inženjerstva
  • Član stručnog povjerenstvo za istraživačje zrakoplovnih nesreća
  • Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje, Voditelj povjerenstva za sudsko vještačenje zrakoplovne nesreće
  • Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje, Voditelj više stručnih projekata u području zrakoplovnog inženjerstva


Osobni podaci

  • Rođen 3. ožujka 1966. u Varaždinu, od rođenja živi u Zagrebu, OŠ 'Većeslav Holjevac', gimnazija: MIOC, Zagreb.
  • Otac dviju djevojčica, Kaje i Vide.
  • Supruga Irena, magistar društvenih znanosti(psihologija).


Vrh stranice

Prof. dr. sc. Milan Vrdoljak, predstojnik zavoda
Prof. dr. sc. Željko Božić
Prof. dr. sc. Ivica Smojver
Doc. dr. sc. Dubravko Matijašević, dipl. ing.
dr. sc. Frane Majić, dipl. ing.
dr. sc. Darko Ivančević, mag. ing. aero. ing.
dr. sc. Dario Zlatar, mag. ing. mech.

; Zadnja promjena: 12.04.2016